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Crisis Management

Practicing the Crisis Communication Plan

Michael Herrera

Published on: September 18, 2024

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As they say, “practice makes perfect,” however, often times this step is forgotten about after a plan is put in place. When people better understand what is expected of them, what their roles, responsibilities, and restrictions are, they’re empowered and the tendency toward fear and panic in the aftermath of an emergency can be reduced. This is decidedly important for the Crisis Communication Plan.

It is necessary for company spokespeople to be totally in control of the message as well as the ability to keep calm, cool, and in charge while having information readily accessible. This ability will come with lots of practice. Other people who have to act behind the scenes should be able to reassure employees and keep anxiety at bay because they have practiced the skills to do so through repetition and drills.

A well thought-out and practiced plan for Crisis Communication can be a firm’s most powerful tool. It will allow the Crisis Management Team to gain fast and effective control over the chaos that naturally ensues from a business disruption. An effective plan will include who to speak to, what to say and/or not say, and how best to say it. Practicing allows teams to work through the inevitable deficiencies of a plan and be better prepared for a real event.


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