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BC/DR Teams and Key Personnel

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In a Business Continuity (BC) or Disaster Recovery (DR) Team there are a number of people in positions that are critical to the activation, implementation, and maintenance of the BC or DR plans. Each team should have clearly defined roles and responsibilities when it comes to a disaster. Although not all may be relevant or necessary to every company, the following list of teams should be considered to avoid any gaps:

  • Crisis Management Team
  • Management
  • Damage Assessment Team
  • Operations Assessment Team
  • IT Team
  • Administrative Support Team
  • Transportation and Relocation Team
  • Media Relations Team
  • Human Resources Team
  • Legal Affairs Team
  • Physical/Personnel Security Team
  • Procurement Team (Equipment & Supplies)


Teams are usually populated first with needed skills based on roles and positions within the company. Team size should also be considered – they should be large enough that if one or more members are unable to perform their duties, the team can still function, but small enough to be able to make decisions and take action.

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